On Wednesday March 13th Appteon was able to attend a Youth Apprenticeship signing ceremony at Valley Career and Technical Center (VCTC) in Fishersville, Virginia. Eight youths and one adult signed with various local businesses in Diesel Equipment Technology and electrician occupations. VCTC is one of nine regional centers in Virginia and provides high-quality technical education and career preparation to meet the needs of today’s high school students and adults. The school serves the public-school systems of Augusta County, Staunton, and Waynesboro. Their students can participate in various programs across dozens of industries, and they offer adult options, from GED preparation to highly technical apprenticeship training, with opportunities for Youth and Registered Apprenticeship as well.
Youth Apprenticeship serves youth ages 16–24. These programs combine technical classroom instruction with paid work experience. They provide the foundation for young people to choose multiple career pathways: enroll in college, begin employment, or a combination. Youth engage in work-based/experiential learning and continue in furthering their education during (dual enrollment) or after high school and/or college, and businesses gain access to a talent pipeline of entry-level workers to address talent shortages in the workplace.
To learn more about Youth Apprenticeship, read about the VCTC signing event, and check out VCTC’s expansive program offerings which include Work-Based-Learning and apprenticeship opportunities, see the comments below!