Zdarovii Russian Cuisine

Zdarovii Russian Cuisine Zdarovii Russian Cuisine

Fried Small Piewith CabbageМаленький жареный пирогwith CabbageBegin your journey to wellness Today!It tastes Better."The...

Fried Small Pie
with Cabbage
Маленький жареный пирог
with Cabbage

Begin your journey to wellness Today!

It tastes Better.
"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russia."

It taste's Better

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Whatsapp : +971 50 510 3359
Website : www.zdarovii.com

Lyulya KebabЛюля КебабBegin your journey to wellness Today!"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russia."It taste...

Lyulya Kebab
Люля Кебаб

Begin your journey to wellness Today!
"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russia."

It taste's Better

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Whatsapp : +971 50 510 3359
Website : www.zdarovii.com

Manti with MeatМанты с мясомBegin your journey to wellness Today!"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russia."It...

Manti with Meat
Манты с мясом

Begin your journey to wellness Today!
"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russia."

It taste's Better

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Whatsapp : +971 50 510 3359
Website : www.zdarovii.com

Samsa with MeatСамса с мясомBegin your journey to wellness Today!"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russia."It...

Samsa with Meat
Самса с мясом

Begin your journey to wellness Today!
"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russia."

It taste's Better

Order Now:
Whatsapp : +971 50 510 3359
Website : www.zdarovii.com

Home Style PotatoКартофель по-домашнемуBegin your journey to wellness Today!"The best ever finest taste all the way from...

Home Style Potato
Картофель по-домашнему

Begin your journey to wellness Today!
"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russia."

It taste's Better

Order Now:
Whatsapp : +971 50 510 3359
Website : www.zdarovii.com

French FriesКартофель фриBegin your journey to wellness Today!"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russia."It ta...

French Fries
Картофель фри

Begin your journey to wellness Today!
"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russia."

It taste's Better

Order Now:
Whatsapp : +971 50 510 3359
Website : www.zdarovii.com

Mashed PotatoКартофельное пюреBegin your journey to wellness Today!"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russia."...

Mashed Potato
Картофельное пюре

Begin your journey to wellness Today!
"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russia."

It taste's Better

Order Now:
Whatsapp : +971 50 510 3359
Website : www.zdarovii.com

PlovПловBegin your journey to wellness Today!"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russia."It taste's BetterOrder...


Begin your journey to wellness Today!
"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russia."

It taste's Better

Order Now:
Whatsapp : +971 50 510 3359
Website : www.zdarovii.com

Plain RiceПростой рисBegin your journey to wellness Today!"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russia."It taste'...

Plain Rice
Простой рис

Begin your journey to wellness Today!

"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russia."
It taste's Better

Order Now:
Whatsapp : +971 50 510 3359
Website : www.zdarovii.com

Beef StroganofБефстрогановBegin your journey to wellness Today!"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russia."It t...

Beef Stroganof

Begin your journey to wellness Today!
"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russia."
It taste's Better

Order Now:
Whatsapp : +971 50 510 3359
Website : www.zdarovii.com

Hot PanГорячая сковородаBegin your journey to wellness Today!"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russia."It tas...

Hot Pan
Горячая сковорода

Begin your journey to wellness Today!
"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russia."

It taste's Better

Order Now:
Whatsapp : +971 50 510 3359
Website : www.zdarovii.com

DranikiДраникиBegin your journey to wellness Today!"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russia."It taste's Bette...


Begin your journey to wellness Today!
"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russia."

It taste's Better

Order Now:
Whatsapp : +971 50 510 3359
Website : www.zdarovii.com

Vareniki with PotatoВареники с картошкойBegin your journey to wellness Today!"The best ever finest taste all the way fro...

Vareniki with Potato
Вареники с картошкой

Begin your journey to wellness Today!
"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russia."

It taste's Better
Order Now:

Whatsapp : +971 50 510 3359
Website : www.zdarovii.com

Shakarob SaladСалат Шакароб"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russia."It taste's BetterOrder Now:Whatsapp : +9...

Shakarob Salad
Салат Шакароб

"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russia."

It taste's Better

Order Now:
Whatsapp : +971 50 510 3359
Website : www.zdarovii.com

Lamb ChopsБараньи отбивныеBegin your journey to wellness Today!"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russia."It t...

Lamb Chops
Бараньи отбивные

Begin your journey to wellness Today!
"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russia."

It taste's Better

Order Now:
Whatsapp : +971 50 510 3359
Website : www.zdarovii.com

Vinagrette SaladСалат ВинагретBegin your journey to wellness Today!"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russia."...

Vinagrette Salad
Салат Винагрет

Begin your journey to wellness Today!
"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russia."

It taste's Better

Order Now:
Whatsapp : +971 50 510 3359
Website : www.zdarovii.com

Eggplant RollsБаклажан РоллыBegin your journey to wellness Today!"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russia."It...

Eggplant Rolls
Баклажан Роллы

Begin your journey to wellness Today!
"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russia."

It taste's Better

Order Now:
Whatsapp : +971 50 510 3359
Website : www.zdarovii.com

Cheburek with MeatЧебурек с мясомBegin your journey to wellness Today!"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russi...

Cheburek with Meat
Чебурек с мясом

Begin your journey to wellness Today!
"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russia."

It taste's Better

Order Now:
Whatsapp : +971 50 510 3359
Website : www.zdarovii.com

Beef StroganofБефстрогановBegin your journey to wellness Today!"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russia."It t...

Beef Stroganof

Begin your journey to wellness Today!
"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russia."

It taste's Better

Order Now:
Whatsapp : +971 50 510 3359
Website : www.zdarovii.com

Pancake With MushroomБлинчик с грибамиBegin your journey to wellness Today!"The best ever finest taste all the way from ...

Pancake With Mushroom
Блинчик с грибами

Begin your journey to wellness Today!
"The best ever finest taste all the way from Russia."
It taste's Better

Order Now:
Whatsapp : +971 50 510 3359
Website : www.zdarovii.com



Opening Hours

Monday 09:30 - 22:30
Tuesday 09:30 - 22:30
Wednesday 09:30 - 22:30
Thursday 09:30 - 22:30
Friday 09:30 - 22:30
Saturday 09:30 - 22:30
Sunday 09:30 - 22:30




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